Wednesday, April 11 | EHR Solutions and Operations, Netsmart Culture, Partnerships and Collaboration, Who is Netsmart?

In Case you Missed It: CONNECTIONS2018 Day 3

By Netsmart

We’re having a wonderful time in Phoenix at CONNECTIONS2018! Day three was kicked off by a fantastic panel lead by Netsmart Executive Vice President, Corporate Development Kevin Scalia. Joining him were leaders from industry associations, as they discussed issues facing community-based providers. Panelists included American Health Care Association President and CEO Mark Parkinson, National Association for Home Care and Hospice President Bill Dombi, National Association of Medicaid Directors Executive Director Matt Salo and National Council for Behavioral Health Medical Director Joe Parks, M.D.

Scalia also led the Executive Symposium panel, where experts focused on the importance and experiences of Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics, or CCBHCs.

Netsmart Vice President, Interoperability AJ Peterson led a discussion where experts across the care communities we serve talked about the importance of sharing and exchanging information to improve outcomes.

Attendees heard insights from real-life examples as Netsmart clients continued to share their experiences and successes through session presentations and panels throughout the day

Buzz continued surrounding the launch of the post-acute platform, myUnity™, as attendees were able to see a full demonstration of the solution firsthand. Most of the excitement centered on how easy it was for clinicians to use while still being able to meet the unique needs of home care, hospice, senior living and skilled nursing environments.


A session devoted to the current opioid crisis also gained a lot of attention. Netsmart clients explored what efforts were currently used to combat the epidemic and further discussed what approaches were more successful than others.

The Solutionarium continued to be the perfect place for clients to check out and learn about all the latest on solutions and services.


The evening concluded at a fantastic event at fantastic Corona Ranch where clients and attendees could unwind and have fun! Entertainment included a rockin’ band, a live rodeo and hot air balloon rides gave attendees the chance to truly take in the beauty of the southwest among breathtaking surroundings.

Today, we’re wrapping up our time in Phoenix, saying goodbye to our clients and partners who took time to learn, share and collaborate with us for CONNECTIONS2018. We’re excited to see what the next year has in store for us all. See you next time!




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Netsmart ·

Solutions and Services

From the CareThreads Blog

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