A Post-Acute playbook for Value-Based Care


Digital transformation is a must for every home health, hospice, skilled nursing and senior care organization that wants to succeed in a value-based, consumer-driven future. Let us be your guide as you prepare for new payment and care delivery models.

These six success factors drive effective value-based programs.

  1. Digital Transformation
  2. Data Analytics
  3. Population Health Management
  4. Referral Partnerships
  5. Workforce Management
  6. Alternate Payment Models
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Digital Transformation

Data Analytics

Population Health Icon

Population Health Management

Referral Partnerships

Workforce Management

Alternate Payment Models

Digital TransformationDigital Transformation

The future is digital

Digital transformation is a must for every post-acute provider that wants to succeed in an outcomes-driven, value-based world. By leveraging a comprehensive platform designed for value-based care, organizations will improve quality, outcomes and efficiencies. See how you can optimize every facet of the care and services you deliver with the Netsmart CareFabric® platform.

Learn More About Digital Transformation

Data AnalyticsData Analytics

Quantify clinical, operational and financial performance

In a value-based world, data is key because you must be able to measure performance and show positive outcomes to your payers. Real-time dashboards that display key performance indicators enable you to quickly see if your organization is moving in the right direction to meet your goals. See how we can help you analyze your data to improve quality measures.

Learn More About Data Analytics

Data AnalyticsPopulation Health Management

Manage best care options and track outcomes

To avoid costly ER visits and hospitalizations, you need to be able to stratify high-risk patients, match them to the best care intervention and track outcomes — all of which requires a fluid flow of information across care teams. Find out how you can aggregate data from all sources to better manage care with our population health management software.

Learn More About Population Health Management

Data AnalyticsReferral Partnerships

Reduce referral response time

Referrals become your lifeblood in a value-based, consumer-driven future. To become the provider of choice to your referral sources, you need to be easy to work with and deliver proven quality care. Find out how you can respond to referrals quicker, streamline the admissions process and effectively communicate with your referral partners through a shared documentation system.

Learn More About Referral Partnerships

Data AnalyticsWorkforce Management

Optimize staff assignments for timely care

The best care for your patients is dependent on your caregivers. To create a work climate that reduces burnout and increases job satisfaction, you need digital tools and technology that make clinicians’ jobs easier. Find out how you can enable field staff to work more efficiently, improve speed to care and maximize the number of visits provided each day with our workforce management software solutions.

Learn More About Workforce Management

Alternate Payment Models

Technology for multiple payers and plans

Healthcare providers need a technology platform to help them navigate multiple payers and plans. Be ready to embrace models like direct contracting, ACOs and Medicare Advantage. See how Netsmart solutions can help your organization remain flexible and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of healthcare reimbursement.

Learn More About Alternate Payment Models

“Many people view the operating system of healthcare to be the EHR, but we fundamentally believe that you won't be successful unless you digitize the entirety of your enterprise.”

– Mike Valentine, CEO, Netsmart

We are on a relentless pursuit to help you accelerate your digital transformation, so you can succeed in a value-based healthcare world.

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Helpful resources to achieve value-based care success

Netsmart is the only vendor with a platform designed to support a value-based future across the post-acute continuum.