The first and market-leading artificial intelligence documentation tool for human services

The Bells Digital Assistant is designed to make the documentation process faster, easier and higher quality for behavioral health, addiction treatment, child and family services, IDD, autism and direct service providers.

Our artificial intelligence (AI) technology alleviates pain points to enable faster onboarding, staff retention and recruitment, reduce documentation time, enable concise clinical documentation, drive adherence and engagement in care plans and maximizes reimbursements.

Save up to 50% on documentation time, giving you more time with the individuals you serve.


Bells enhances the EHR to:

  • Enable consistency across service providers and multiple offices
  • Increase job satisfaction
  • Eliminate common errors proactively and reduce multiple rounds of reviews
  • Decrease time from session to claim to payments
  • Reduce staff turnover
  • Add clients and increase revenue

Assisted Data Capture enables you to go from mobile to desktop seamlessly. You can choose from a template, type your notes, capture notes via a photo, use voice to text and utilize quick text features.

Data accuracy assists with contextual recommendations for compliance and reimbursement, proofing grammar and spelling, checking clinical vocabulary, leveraging the user dictionary and fast-check treatment notes

Contextual Recommendation Engine provides clinical support, sets up keywords, includes must-have blocks of texts and optimizes billing codes.

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+ 67 %

average note
writing speed

+ 84 %

average time
session to sign


days faster

+ 16 %

average claims
per Direct Support
Provider (DSP)


hours saved
per staff
per week

How can Bells AI technology boost your ROI?

Faster and more accurate notes. Fewer rejected claims. Better retention and recruitment. It all adds up.

How many people are in your organization?

Providers Icon

Staff needed to break even


Clock Icon

Hours of work saved each month


Money Revenue Icon

Total revenue saved each month


*ROI is an estimate. Actual results may vary.

What does it mean for you?

Clinical Impact

Increase Access to Care

Help more people with increase staff capacity

Improved Ramp Time

Faster ramp time for service providers doing clinical documentation

Better Morale + Less Turnover

Easier note-taking helps employee satisfaction

Less QA Headache

Catching errors on the front-end leads to less back-and-forth with QA and service providers


Financial Impact

More Revenue

See 6 more clients per week per DSP

Payroll Savings

Save 21 hours per month per service provider

Faster Cash Flow

Cut 1-2 days off payer reimbursement cycle

Reduced Risk of Recoupment

Better notes reduce the risk of recoupment

Learn More

Quote Mark

"I am going to see more people because my notes aren't as difficult, and we're going to capture more of my experiences that are billing."

– Bailey, Clinical Liason

For current clients, download the Bells AI Assistant for your device

Download on the Mac App Store

Click here for Mac Version

Download on App Store

Click here for Google Play Version

Ready to learn more?

See Bells in action and better support your staff through documentation ease of use once and for all.

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