Your mission to improve consumer outcomes matches ours. Lean on Netsmart and our National Council for Mental Wellbeing partnership to help you:

  • Understand and best meet CCBHC requirements.
  • Drive outcomes through population health.
  • Discover workflows that bring your integrated care vision to life.
  • Apply for and maximize grant funding.

The journey to and through integrated care is an important one. No matter what detail you’re working on, we’re here to help. Schedule a no-cost session with a CCBHC specialist to partner your experts with ours to achieve your goals.

Speak with a CCBHC specialist

The National Council for Mental Wellbeing and Netsmart are proven partners for CCBHCs, whether you're a state, association or provider.

Netsmart and CCBHCs by the numbers

Netsmart is the technology partner for 178 CCBHCs in 38 states
Population Health Icon
More than 2.5M visits from consumers in the past year to Netsmart clients who are state Medicaid CCBHC demonstration program providers
$320M in SAMHSA CCBHC grant funding awarded to Netsmart CCBHC clients
$221M PPS 1 and PPS 2 payments posted in the past year by Netsmart clients who are state Medicaid CCBHC demonstration program providers

Sharing costs, data and success:

Long-Term Post-Acute Care Physician Software | Home Icon with Heart

83 %

increase in access to care

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36 %

decrease in ED visits


35 %

decrease in hospitalizations

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$ 15.4 m

reduction in hospital costs

*Comparing pre and post period hospital costs for persons served by Missouri CCBHCs Source: Missouri CCBHC Year 6 Impact Report. Prepared by the Missouri Behavioral Council, August 2022

The Power of Advocacy

Recent legislation significantly expanded funding for community mental health services. The demonstrated results of our clients and CCBHC's nationwide made it possible. Netsmart and the National Council for Mental Wellbeing are long-term advocates of integrated care and the CCBHC model.

The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act

The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act significantly expands funding for community mental health services. The demonstrated results of our clients and CCBHCs nationwide made it possible.
National Council for Mental Wellbeing

"This new law will forever change how people access mental health and substance use treatment in their communities."

- Chuck Ingoglia, President and CEO of the National Council for Mental Wellbeing

Read the Press Release

The History of CCBHCs

In a recent study* on the impact of the CCBHC demonstration program, results included:

  • Substantially improved access to care and additional services for those with a serious mental illness and/or substance use disorder, a historically underserved population
  • Increased access to and integration between physical and behavioral health, substance use screening, crisis response, peer support and Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) services
  • Ability for participating organizations to recruit and retain clinical staff, data analysts and peer workers

*The 2021 CCBHC State Impact Report

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Partnering to advance care coordination and population health for CCBHCs

Read the Press Release

Ready to learn more?

The journey to and through integrated care is an important one. Speak with a CCBHC expert today!

Learn More