Improve transitions and outcomes by coordinating care and sharing data

Netsmart care coordination offers a powerful integration engine that connects your organization with other providers, so you can incorporate lab results, health information exchange (HIE) and other data from external sources into the workflow and treatment plans for the individuals you serve. It’s advanced technology that supports tracking services and treatments for individuals across care settings, reduces duplicate services and simplifies care transitions with secure data exchange.

With immediate access to current data, CareManager generates a comprehensive view of an individual’s health record. Participating providers can follow a shared care plan, transfer consumer data, track clinical quality measures and manage authorizations and claims across their network.

CareManager aggregates data to identify trends and presents health and treatment outcomes for analytics-driven decision making. Having this information available at the point of care ensures an individual receives the appropriate, timely care and services at the appropriate level of acuity.

Discover how Netsmart care coordination with CareManager can improve outcomes and reduce costs without compromising care quality

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  • Prevents gaps in care with alerts, automated interventions and task assignments
  • Access to patient/consumer complete health history
  • Real-time reporting on test results and diagnoses to all users across agencies and service lines
  • Integrates alerts and tasks into the care team’s workflow
  • Access to performance measures and data in real time reduces risk and improves outcomes
  • Supports a close-loop process by ensuring referred care takes place


  • Supports person-centered care by giving providers a complete picture of treatment and services
  • Simplifies care transitions by giving providers secure access to accurate, up-to-date health records
  • Helps pinpoint long-term needs and supports improved outcomes


  • Works with any EHR and incorporates data from all providers and agencies in the health record
  • Near real-time view of key metrics at the aggregate level, as well as the patient, program and provider level
  • Identifies trends and risks affecting outcomes by aggregating data across the populations served
  • Simplifies reporting for shared-risk and value-based payment models
  • Tracks performance measures for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs) and other programs
  • Automates the assignment of case load and tasks to ensure effective use of resources

Streamlined workflows bring us more money and reduction in the time spent on desk work, giving staff more time to spend with members.

- Phil Balta, Regional Director at Health Homes of Upstate New York (HHUNY)

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Ready to learn more?

Discover how Netsmart care coordination with CareManager can improve outcomes and reduce costs without compromising care quality.

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