Supporting consumer-driven care

myHealthPointe Consumer Portal

myHealthPointe Portal supports consumer-driven care by connecting individuals to their treatment through a user-friendly, secure solution. Seamlessly integrated with Netsmart CareRecords™, the portal provides consumers convenient access to clinical and personal information. The solution promotes collaboration between the consumer and provider by allowing the individual to actively participate in their health plan and recovery.

Consumer engagement forges a unique relationship between a provider and an individual where the person becomes more invested in their healthcare. Better communication between consumers and care providers support better outcomes for everyone involved.


Convenient access to clinical and personal information

myHealthPointe Consumer Portal


Key Features

  • Request appointments, receive reminder notifications and launch telehealth sessions
  • Request medication refills and receive reminders
  • View Lab results
  • Evidence-based practices integration including Reaching Recovery™
  • myStrength on demand self-help and resources

Key Benefits

  • Reduce face-to-face visits and phone calls by providing quick, convenient and secure messaging that drives improved responsiveness to an individual’s needs
  • Integrates directly with the Netsmart CareRecord to update consumer information, assessments and consents improving operational and clinical efficiencies
  • Electronic appointment scheduling, reminders, alerts, medication refills and lab results reduce call volumes and increases appointment attendance and medication adherence
  • Illustrates consumer’s health and behavior outcomes over time with a longitudinal view of their health and wellness
  • Provides the care team with a comprehensive view into the consumer reported data, enabling proactive clinical decisions


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For myHealthPointe Consumer Portal

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Our IDD case management software is designed for person-centered care, empowering you to enrich the lives of those with intellectual or developmental disabilities.

"Our staff was flexible and absolutely committed to engaging individuals. The challenge was not convincing them this was something that they wanted to do; it was making sure we were incorporating the new functionality in a way that didn’t feel burdensome."
Melanie Sisson, Ph.D., - Manager of Information Strategy at Mental Health Center of Denver

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