Monday, March 05 | Care Coordination, Interoperability

Carequality by the Numbers

By Netsmart


As healthcare continues to integrate, the need for information grows. Providers are relying more on a patient’s health history across care communities to make better care decisions. It’s like putting together a puzzle. Without a vital piece to complete the full-picture, a clinician wouldn’t be able to completely assess an episode if they didn’t have what they needed to fill in the gaps.

That’s where the Sequoia Project’s Carequality interoperability framework comes in. Carequality is a collaboration between private and public entities that work together to create an interoperability framework, or rules of the road, among data sharing networks. The goal is to be able to allow health information data to flow seamlessly between health networks and care providers.

Since its inception in 2014, the framework has connected more than 1,250 hospitals, 35,000 clinics, and 600,000 healthcare providers across the country – that’s more than half of all healthcare providers in the U.S. – and enables them to share vital information within the network. In January 2018 alone, more than 2.4 million documents were shared and that number continues to increase monthly as more providers and health systems become engaged with each other to achieve positive outcomes.

At Netsmart, we’re proud to be a founding member and live implementer of Carequality. Together with other technology providers and key players in healthcare IT, we’re able to bring our clients closer to their counterparts throughout the care continuum. Thanks to the efforts of initiatives like Carequality, can help our clients reach interoperability, helping them make the most informed care decisions for the people they serve.

Make sure to join us at the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase at #HIMSS18 where we’ll be demonstrating how Carequality seamlessly shares and exchanges patients’ health information to treat them effectively.

Interoperability Showcase Hours:

Monday, March 5             6:00 – 8:00 p.m. (Opening Reception)

Tuesday, March 6             9:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Wednesday, March 7      9:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Thursday, March 8           9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.


Meet the Author

Netsmart ·

Solutions and Services


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