Tuesday, May 24 | EHR Solutions and Operations, Thought Leadership

How to Approach an EMR Software Demo

By Ada Gudex, Senior Director and GM, TheraOffice

An EMR software demo is an important tool for convincing potential customers to invest in a new product or to adopt a new technology. Demonstrating the usefulness of a product can be difficult, but a good software demo can make the task much easier. A properly executed demo will show how the product can solve specific problems or fill a need that customers may not have realized they had. In addition, demos help potential customers understand how the product works and how it will have an impact on their workflow. With this in mind, we wanted to think about the demo process from a prospect’s perspective and discuss some of the items that should be at the forefront of their minds.

Prioritize Pain Points with Your Current EMR Solution

First, it is critical that clinic owners, administrators, and/or managers approach the demo with an open mind. If you find yourself needing a new EMR software, there is most likely a reason behind it. Perhaps there is a pain point with your current software and it is just not feasible to continue using it. Maybe there was a hike in prices or your customer service experience plummeted. Regardless of the reason behind why you are looking, simply make sure that you prioritize it during the search and demo processes.

Ask Questions about the EMR that Matter to You During the Demo

While there are many great demos available, it’s important to ask specific questions about the software’s features and pricing. Everyone has been in a position where a salesperson tries to talk your ear off about their product while doing everything in their power to convince you to purchase it. Make sure to stand your ground; ask as many questions as necessary to get the information you need to make an informed decision. Express your needs clearly and concisely.

Make a Pros/Cons List After Your EMR Demo

It’s also important for decision makers to consider what the software can do for the clinic and its patients. Furthermore, they should focus on how the software can help them achieve their goals and what benefits it could provide. Sometimes it is helpful to create a pro and con list during/after a demo. Then, once the demo is complete, the decision makers can discuss the list and come up with questions for the next time they talk to the sales representative.

Understand Change is Inevitable with Software 

Lastly, it is important to approach a demo with the understanding that the new product will be different than the one you have now. This may sound obvious; however, there are some processes or workflows that may have to be altered with the implementation of a new system. Oftentimes, prospects tend to use the phrase “this is how we did it in our old system” or “this feature was included in our other software” and expect there to be an exact match in the software they are demoing. Software vendors do their very best to stay on top of industry needs so that clients are always properly equipped with the latest technology. Be open to new features, new processes, and new ways of doing things because one of those items just might be the thing you need to take your practice to the next level.

Meet the Author

Ada Gudex · Senior Director and GM, TheraOffice


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