MHA of South Central Kansas; Empowering Lives. Impacting Community.
  • Behavioral Health, Child and Family
  • MHA of South Central Kansas
  • Kansas
  • Documentation burden leading to staff burnout and attrition
  • Increased job satisfaction, quicker training, and reduced staff turnover
  • Increased average revenue per provider by 16% a month
  • Decreased time for new employees billing at full utilization from six weeks to three weeks
  • Reduced the time from when a session occurs to when the note is signed by 50%, accelerating cash flow cycles.
  • Increased speed to documentation time by up to 50%
  • Increased revenue by adding clients, capturing more billable interactions and fixing common errors to reduce likelihood of recoupment.
  • Empowering clinicians to do what they do best: care for clients

Mental Health America of South Central Kansas Harnesses the Power of Artificial Intelligence to Ease Clinical Documentation Burden on Staff

The documentation of clinical and support services is critical for quality care, continuity of care and reimbursement, but it can be a time-consuming function that often “eats” into the time providers have allocated to deliver critical services. In many human services organizations, staff members spend 40% of their time (roughly two days a week) on clinical documentation. The average time from session-to-note signing is over three days. Even with that investment of time, between 15-45% of clinical documentation has missing or erroneous information.

About MHA of South Central Kansas

Founded in 1957, MHA provides a full range of mental and community health services to south central Kansas. There are over 30+ programs geared towards prevention, mentoring, intervention and treatment for all ages, genders, degrees of illness and diagnoses that exist in the community. Most programs are provided free of charge and are available for those simply in the interest of a stronger and healthier Kansas. Many of them are also based on referrals from other agencies whose limited scope does not allow them to render all the services needed. MHA works with school districts and teachers to address “at risk” behavior in children and youth, housing for seniors and persons with disabilities, aging services including companion services, case management and care coordination, therapy and medication management for people with mental health challenges and community-based services for adults and children with serious and persistent mental illness.

MHASCK is just one of the 240 affiliate chapters associated with Mental Health America and is a funded partner of the United Way of the Plains, earning multiple state, local and private grants as a result of an excellent success rate.

Bells AI: Virtual Documentation Assistant

Meet Bells AI, the first and only artificial intelligence (AI) documentation tool that is smart, intuitive and seamless. It has been developed to enhance the care process and not to replace the care giver. Designed to make the documentation process faster, easier and higher quality for behavioral health, addictions, child and family, IDD and direct service providers. Our AI technology alleviates pain points to enable faster onboarding, staff retention and recruitment, reduce documentation time, enable concise clinical documentation, drive adherence and engagement in care plans and maximizes reimbursements.

The documentation of clinical and support services is critical for quality care, continuity of care and reimbursement, but it can be a time-consuming function that often “eats” into the time providers have allocated to deliver critical services. In many human services organizations, staff members spend 40% of their time (roughly two days a week) on clinical documentation. The average time from session-to-note signing is over three days. Even with that investment of time, between 15-45% of clinical documentation has missing or erroneous information.

What Does This Mean for You?

Clinical Impact: With increased access to care, organizations can help more people with increased staff capacity without increasing your current staffing complement. Faster onboarding time for service providers doing clinical documentation. Easier notetaking helps staff satisfaction, which means increased morale and less turnover. Catching errors on the front-end leads to less back-and-forth with quality assurance and services providers.

Financial Impact: Organizations can expect increased revenue due to seeing additional clients per week, payroll savings, faster cash flow and reduced risk of recoupment because of better notes.

Behavioral healthcare has long been behind the technology curve, and the needs are so significant around mental health that if we have technology assisted tools that will help us provide better care, we have to invest.

Mary Jones, CEO, Mental Health America of South Central Kansas

Why MHASCK Chose Bells AI

Today, organizations are seeing documentation overload and provider burnout across all communities, care settings and levels of staff. With providers spending 40% of their time or two days a week on clinical documentation, MHA needed a tool for service expansion, staff retention and recruitment. MHA decided to leverage AI technology to improve staff productivity, reduce documentation, improve staff satisfaction and increase revenue.

“We decided to invest in Bells AI to help our staff with the part of their job they least like, which is clinical documentation,” shared Mary. “We knew investing in the technology would improve morale, their ability to work with consumers, and complete their work more efficiently.”

Bailey Blaire, Clinical Liason, explained, “I went into this work to help people, the notes are an unnecessary burden, but by reducing that burden, the entire energy of the organization has changed. Our teams feel invested in, we have accurate notes that are not being sent back to insurance companies, the number of hours we spend defending our services has decreased because we can show accurate and adequate notes,”

Configurable Smart Features

By thinking outside the box, leaders in human services developed Bells’ suite of capabilities to make documentation easier, faster and more accurate.

Recommendation Engine provides clinical support, sets up contextual keywords, includes must-have blocks of texts and optimizes billing codes. For example, if a user writes ‘transport’ but transport is not a billable service, the recommendation engine goes to work for you. The engine will prompt the user to discuss what happened during the transport. The note becomes, ‘accompanied client to his first AA group meeting and cued coping strategies.’

Assisted Data Capture enables you to go from mobile to desktop seamlessly, which is critical for a highly mobilized and hybrid workforce to have the appropriate device for each care setting. Get data out of your head and into the system during or after the session with templates, typed notes, photos, voice-to-text and other quick/intuitive features. For example, text expansions help speed up typing. Bells can automatically turn “CNS,” into “The client did not arrive for their appointment today,” so providers no longer have to type out commonly used phrases.

Data Accuracy assists with contextual recommendations for compliance and reimbursement, proofing grammar and spelling, checking clinical vocabulary, leveraging the user dictionary and fastcheck. treatment notes. For example, Bells can prompt the writer to change “patient” to “client” based on the organization’s preferences.

Care Team Tags enable quick tags of care team members in the session note to reference in future sessions. For example, Bells displays care team members to allow the note author to select from a list, as opposed to manually finding them. In addition, Bells even adds their title and credentials to demonstrate a more thorough note, which auditors appreciate!

In the short term, we are seeing a real motivation boost. Teams are enthusiastic about a new technology that can help them do their work in a more efficient way. We are seeing notes done faster, more efficiently and with more clinically significant documentation.

Mary Jones, CEO, Mental Health America of South Central Kansas

Results and Impact

In addition to these benefits, organizations are reporting an increase in note consistency across service providers and multiple offices, job satisfaction, clients and increased revenue, more billable client interactions, as well as a decrease in common errors, reducing multiple rounds of reviews, session-to-claim-to-payments, and staff turnover.

•  Reduced session-to-sign time by 50%
•  Improved note writing time by 49%
•  Average DSP wrote 28% more notes per week
•  Average weekly revenue per DSP increased by 16%

This is such an attractive tool for hiring, training and onboarding. We can say to our recruits, anywhere you go you will have to do documentation. However, work for us because we have invested time, energy and money into making that less of a burden for you.”

Bailey Blair

“It was 3 weeks from when we would hire someone to them writing their first note, now it is 3 days.” This improves the process and allows organizations to start billing much sooner.

By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning, Bells AI is helping providers and executives rethink their relationship with technology to not only improve clinical documentation processes today but prepare for tomorrow.

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