Coordinate care, connect with other providers, analyze data and more

CareGuidance™ Solutions

With CareGuidance solutions, human services and post-acute care providers can extend the functionality of Netsmart EHRs and other EHRs to address the specific needs of their organizations. These powerful solutions integrate fully with Netsmart EHRs and other EHRs to support data analytics, coordinated care, secure communications with other providers, consumer engagement and more.

In this section

"It is well worth the money to spend time with the experts at Netsmart to review what we use, how we use it, and how we can do better."

Shelly Miller - Chief Financial Officer, Willow Health Care

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From the CareThreads Blog

Pill Bottle Spilling onto a Table Blog

America’s Opioid Crisis

Counties as Frontline Forces in the Fight 

Tuesday, December 17 | Thought Leadership,EHR Solutions and Operations,Interoperability

The opioid crisis and addiction remain twin crises faced by the American healthcare industry today. Counties serve as the first line of defense, providing essential services in public health, mental health, law enforcement and social services.

Personal Care Services

From Compliance to Care: The Expanding Role of EVV in Personal Care Services

Monday, December 16 | Post-Acute Care,Care Coordination

The adoption of Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) in Personal Care Services (PCS) has evolved beyond compliance to offer significant operational, workforce and fraud-prevention benefits.

autism, disabilities

Legislative Updates from the 2nd Annual IDD Leadership Summit: 
Update on Policy Progress and Advocacy

Friday, December 13 | Human Services,Legislative/Policy,Thought Leadership

Here’s a summary of the must-read updates and future directions for IDD advocacy and policy.
